2024년 11월 6일
- <brain plasticity에 대한 이해-human 및 animal study 를 바탕으로>
연구 방법에는
(1) 동물 연구의 분자 및 미세 구조 측정과 통합하여 인간 연구에서 거시적 방법의 해석 가능성을 높이고, (2) 통제된 실험 패러다임이나 자연주의 환경을 활용하는 종 간 연구 프로그램을 진행함
Definition of plasticity: The capacity of organisms to form lasting but reversible structural and related functional changes of neural connections in response to interactions with the environment
Two forms of plasticity:
Experience expectant: Enables organisms to meet species-specific affordances
Experience dependent: Enables individuals to respond and adapt to specific challenges
Gap between animal models and research with humans:
Many sophisticated experimental methods used in animal studies are not applicable to humans
Mechanistic understanding of human brain plasticity often inferred from animal models
Three components to bridge the gap between animal models and human research
Component 1: Strengthening the methods interface
Enhance interpretability of macroscopic methods in human research:
Complement molecular and fine-structural measures in animals with macroscopic methods
Create macroscopic metrics common to both examined species
Focus on structural MRI (sMRI), including quantitative parametric mapping and in vivo histology
Advances in imaging methods:
Quantitative MRI (qMRI)
In vivo MRI histology
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
Imaging of genetically modified animal models
Human genome-wide association studies (GWASs)
Challenges in linking animal models to human research:
Defining common brain space mapping
Aligning data along an ontogenetic axis
Coordinating analysis pipelines
Addressing differences in stress levels during studies
Overcoming spatial scope and resolution limitations
Limits to causality attribution:
Difficulty in drawing causal inferences linking behaviorally relevant mechanisms to changes discernible by macroscopic methods
Need for experimental manipulations and consistency with underlying physiology
Component 2: Designing analogous experimental paradigms and environments for animals and humans
Two strategies:
Devise human analogs of well-researched animal models
Develop animal models to uncover mechanisms of brain plasticity as motors of individuality
Example: Studying skill acquisition in mice and humans
Single-pellet reaching task for mice
Adapted reaching task using chopsticks for humans
Comparison of learning curves and plasticity mechanisms in motor cortices
Animal models of lifespan choice architectures and emergent individuality:
Individuality paradigm using environmental enrichment
Large-scale cage systems for studying differential effects of enrichment
Use of IntelliCage for controlled learning opportunities
Relating animal studies to human longitudinal research:
High-density sampling of neuroimaging data in humans
Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and GPS tracking
Use of wearables and machine learning techniques
Comparing humans to animals in low-constraint settings:
Investigation of freely behaving animals in naturalistic environments
Parallel approaches to ecological momentary assessment in humans and animals
Introduction of species-adequate stressors and observation of responses
Component 3: Toward theories and models of plastic change that integrate scales of measurement
Need for theories and models that bridge the gap between microscopic and macroscopic observations
Example: EESR (expansion-exploration-selection-refinement) theory of plastic change
Describes phases of local plastic change during skill acquisition
Predicts macroscopic indicators of plasticity
Challenges in developing integrative models:
Mapping microscopic changes onto macroscopic observations
Validating model predictions with empirical evidence
Need for intensified dialogue between researchers studying plasticity in animals and humans
Challenges in coordination and integration:
Institutional and organizational barriers
Funding schemes often focused on either animal or human research
Call for institutions and funders to place greater emphasis on coordinating and integrating research on plasticity in animals and humans
Plasticity allows organisms to form lasting adaptive changes in neural structures in response to interactions with the environment. It serves both species-general functions and individualized skill acquisition. To better understand human plasticity, we need to strengthen the dialogue between human research and animal models. Therefore, we propose to (1) enhance the interpretability of macroscopic methods used in human research by complementing molecular and fine-structural measures used in animals with such macroscopic methods, preferably applied to the same animals, to create macroscopic metrics common to both examined species; (2) launch dedicated cross-species research programs, using either well-controlled experimental paradigms, such as motor skill acquisition, or more naturalistic environments, where individuals of either species are observed in their habitats; and (3) develop conceptual and computational models linking molecular and fine-structural events to phenomena accessible by macroscopic methods. In concert, these three component strategies can foster new insights into the nature of plastic change.
Figure 3. Display of the cage design used in the individuality paradigm9
Multiple standard cages are connected to each other with connector tubes that are equipped with RFID antennas to track mouse movements. The standard cages can be equipped with a large variety of environmental affordances and opportunities. Given that the mice are individually tracked, experiences can be experimentally manipulated at the individual level in the course of development.